Each of us has within us, right now, the capacity to thrive.
Collaborating toward unfolding one's true nature
I believe each of us has within us, right now, the capacity to thrive.
Unfortunately, most of us see ourselves as deficient, as lacking. We think that if we just do more, learn more, achieve more, we will be “enough.” No doubt, building skills is important. However, I believe that more than anything we need to embrace our sufficiency and allow our abundance to unfold. We need to learn to recognize and retrain the habits of mind that self-sabotage and prevent us from showing up as our whole, authentic selves, with all the goodness we have to offer the world.
While I utilize several coaching methodologies, the principles of mindfulness underpin my approach. I consider mindfulness practice foundational to cultivating a balanced and satisfying work/life—one in which we are more fully present, respond confidently and calmly to adversity, are more open and non-judging, treat ourselves and others with kindness and compassion, and bring forth the best in ourselves and others to achieve extraordinary results.
The coach/client relationship is a true partnership in service to the client's growth and development goals. Therefore, I place high value on listening deeply to my clients, asking probing questions, and exploring collaboratively what arises through what is said and at times left unsaid.
As a Certified Integral Coach®, I work with clients on multiple levels—cognitive, emotional, somatic, relational, cultural, environmental, and spiritual. Through self-reflection, dialogue, and exercises clients learn to recognize old narratives and behaviors that no longer serve them. Through personalized practices, clients learn to shift from these old patterns to more productive “ways of being” in support of their coaching goals and objectives. What often occurs is a profound unfolding of the client’s innate and abundant gifts.
A meaningful coaching engagement takes time and commitment. However, it does not foster dependency. My mindfulness-based coaching provides clients with the tools and resources to become "self-generating” so clients can coach themselves through whatever future challenges they may face.
I help clients:
Achieve greater self-understanding and self-compassion
Lead with confidence and conviction
Communicate more effectively
Shift from “overwhelm” to “equilibrium” in work and life
Set appropriate boundaries
Move forward from that “stuck place”
Lessen the tyranny of the inner critic
Replace “old stories” with narratives of possibility
Expand scope and influence
Shift from a “transactional” to a “facilitative” management style
Create “psychological safety” within their organization
Strengthen relationships at work and home
Be more present, listen to--and learn from--their bodies, and develop sustainable self-care practices
More effectively handle change and adversity
Become self-correcting and self-generating in growth and development

Help with stress
While every workplace is different, consistent in our culture is the unrelenting pressure to do more, in less time, with fewer resources. All too often, most of my clients find themselves in overwhelm, unable to keep up. And with the best of intentions, they take on more. Before long they are losing control, sacrificing work/life balance, serenity, and even their health.
A manager’s stress spreads across the organization. Before long, everyone feels it. Fearing reprisal, employees hide mistakes; timelines slip; customers complain. Innovation slows. Morale and commitment evaporate.
It does not have to be that way.
I am committed to helping clients find the right balance in their work and life so they can enjoy long, sustainable careers leading healthy and happy high-performing teams.